Life in TDA Sixth Form
As an academy we are driven by our core values. We have an inherent belief in young people and in supporting them to become the very best they can be. Whether it is through the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, mentoring programmes, sport, drama, the National Citizenship Service, enrichment or our incredibly successful university application support, young people in our sixth form thrive academically and actively contribute to their community.
With a dedicated Study Centre, sixth formers are well placed to make good use of their non-contact time.
Given the considerable “step-up” from GCSE level, the competitive nature of applications to courses at the “best” universities and the extracurricular activities that many young people get involved in, the importance of productively using study periods throughout the school day cannot be overstated.
Our expectations
Give of your best - always! Strive to be the best version of yourself – in all facets of life. We trust you will be honest, determined and resilient, that you come prepared to learn and embrace the challenge of independent study and learning consolidation.
Attendance - 100% minimum to all sessions (lessons, tutor times, enrichment, assembly, personal development and study periods).
Positive role models - as the most senior students within the Academy, there is an expectation that you meet the highest standards of behaviour and act as role models within our community. This includes having the maturity to stand up against negative behaviours.
Get involved - as part of life in TDA Sixth Form, we expect you to get involved in the wide variety of experiences and opportunities available: attend a visiting lecturers’ talk, contribute to House charity events, become a House Ambassador or Senior Prefect, participate in Duke of Edinburgh, perform in a school production, mentor pupils in the Main and Junior Academy and many others.
Uniform - please see our uniform page.