Library Access
The Main Academy library is open:
Mon-Thurs: 8:00am – 4:00pm, Fri: 8:00am – 3.30pm
Students are welcome before the first lesson, during lunch breaks to return/borrow books or read quietly, and after 3pm to attend the Homework Club (please visit our homework support page).
The Junior Library is open:
Mon-Thursday: 12.00 – 3.30pm with the Tuesday Library Club finishing at 3.45pm.
Students automatically have a library account, to borrow books students just need to have them issued at the counter. Students can keep resources for 4 weeks before returning them to the library counter. If they need the book for longer, we can renew the resource and extend the loan. Students with late or overdue items will be unable to borrow further items. There are no late fees for returning an overdue book, but any books lost will need to be paid for. Overdue notices are regularly sent to students and parents. Please use the ‘lost library’ option within ParentPay.
The library has a wide variety of fiction titles available for students to borrow covering many genres and suitable for all interests and abilities. Some of these titles are categorised as ‘T+’, which means they are written for older teenage or young adult readership in the range of 14-19 years old. This categorisation is not based on reading ability but on content that teenagers face every day in real life such as language, themes, and issues.
Our T+ titles are clearly labelled on the spine and are available for all age groups to read and whilst your child is in Years 7 and 8 there are no automatic restrictions on what he/she may borrow from the school library. However, we respect your right as parents to judge the maturity of your reader. If you do not wish for your child to borrow any young adult titles, please contact us so that we can mark their library account accordingly.
Link: How can parents support with reading?