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Children's University

The Children’s University is an international, critically-acclaimed charity which encourages all children aged 5 to 14 years to try new experiences, develop new interests and acquire new skills through participation in innovative and creative learning activities outside of the school day with the aim of achieving the following:

- raise aspiration, self-esteem & confidence

- encourage curiosity and a love of learning

- enhance motivation and build resilience

- introduce new life experiences

- offer progression in learning and personal skills development

Thomas Deacon Academy is a registered Children's University learning destination and we have been delivering learning activities to our students for just over four years. Saturday schools are offered regularly resulting in additional extra learning hours each academic year. We are currently have over 100 children registered as learners. Each year we launch Children's University to Y3 children in an assembly at TDA Junior.

Once registered with CU children receive a passport to learning and each time they attend a learning activity they accumulate extra learning hours to work towards the various CU Award levels. Bronze Certificate for 30 hours of extra learning up to a Gold Fellowship Award for 1,000 hours. Passports cost £6 per child and membership is for Y3-Y9. 

For more details call 01733 426060 or email:

If you would like more information about Children's University there is a leaflet at the bottom of this page for you to download.