Julie Taylor, CEO and Principal, provides an update on the TDA reorganisation.
TDA’s first reorganisation designed to increase accountability and provide further improvements in the quality of teaching and student outcomes is now approaching completion. In addition the academy has taken into account anticipated cuts in government funding for the foreseeable future.
The lengthy consultation process, which started in January, involved trade unions plus the allocation of jobs and an objective appeals process for affected staff. In phase one only 3% of staff have been made redundant and a further 6% of staff opted for voluntary redundancy with other staff moving on to pastures new as part of their natural career progression.
Phase 2 of the reorganisation, which involves Achievement support and IT services, is now in progress and due for completion by the end of August 2015.
Julie Taylor, CEO and Principal, commented:
“In the 2013/14 academic year TDA achieved its best ever exam results however, the historical staffing structure did not provide the degree of accountability necessary to take the academy forward and provide the best possible learning outcomes for all of our students and staff.
At the start of the 2015/16 academic year we will now be able to provide our students and their parents with a clearly accountable method of operating together with well motivated employees who uphold our core values of trust, discipline and aspiration. This will help us achieve our goal of becoming a ‘world class’ academy by 2020.”
Student wellbeing is also a feature of the new look TDA with the current college based system changing to a house system which reflects Peterborough’s historical association with the brick industry. Dedicated pastoral staff will work closely with students and their parents to help them achieve their goals and maximise student outcomes.